Gus believes the Roosters “dodged a bullet”: Six Tackles with Gus - Ep13 | NRL on Nine - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

Gus believes the Roosters have dodged a bullet after the Fifita backflip, we get an explanation on how third party deals work plus Gus reveals who he would have as the NSW halves pairing.
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0:00 Welcome to Six Tackles
1:06 Magic round kicks off
2:57 Mat is looking into legal options
5:52 David Fifita back-flip
15:42 Yes! No, no, no, no! – Part 1
25:25 Gus’ almost became a police officer
29:09 Yes! No, no, no, no! – Part 2
31:43 Third party deals – Part 1
37:22 Wayne Bennett signs to Souths
37:53 Third party deals – Part 2
47:30 Harry Grant not guilty
54:02 Tripping in the game
57:29 #AskGus
59:48 Olympic trivia
1:03:17 Women’s Origin
1:05:09 Origin halves
1:11:34 Magic round preview

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[Music] this is six tackles with Gus with Matthew Thompson and Gus welcome to six tackles for another week great to be back with you on the eve of a soldout magic round which starts with a thrilling women’s origin game at Sun Corp Stadium tomorrow night Thursday you can see it live and free on 9 and N now and of course 9 is the home of origin football gee we’ve got a show today David for feder stunning back flip he’s changed his mind mind he’s left the roosters at the altar I’ll get Gus’s thoughts on that Harry Grant has a win at the Judiciary is that a win for common sense women’s origin as I said tomorrow we’ll have a look at that game and I’m going to lock Gus in for his 19 man squads for both New South Wales and queensley no I’m going to get him to I’m going to get him to show his hand with the blues halves because that’s the main point of contention plus magic round you’re going to have to give me something we’re two we named the team in two weeks hello Matthew how are you good good beautiful beautiful weather at the moment and news this morning magic R sold out isn’t that good no great it’s always been a great promotion I’d love to have a magic round in Sydney yeah we got nine clubs in Sydney and we got an 880,000 seat Stadium why can’t we have a magic round in Sydney because people like to go for a holiday and it’s warm come to Sydney for a holiday it’s warm up there 25 all week come to Sydney for a holiday freezing this is my hometown yeah but you love traveling we got nine we got nine clubs here in Sydney we got we got a couple of clubs only a couple of hours away by bus oh bar hug why is it always got to be Queensland because Queensland beautiful one day footy the next origin the next origin the next no it no it’s always a great weekend enjoyed the um the buzz around Brisbane is incredible when you’re up there that time I’m actually going to sneak down to the goal Coast on Saturday and Sunday there’s some school boy carnival games down there for some teenagers um want to have a look at that too so the whole weekend of footing going to try and get out to a Queensland Cup game over the weekend Oh and there’s a couple of the NRL games that I want to watch as well I thought after the Bulldogs be CRA in the first game of the weekend you might just wind back the clock and really let your hair down for the weekend with the puns up there what just get on the drink have a couple of beers yeah Bookers I haven’t done that for years old school G I haven’t done that for years I don’t I don’t drink the I I have I have it I have a drink two days a year I’ve told you this I go out with the BLS who used to run Oak you know the oak Panther so they don’t work for Oak anymore but we still have our our Oak lunch twice a year and we’re coming up for another one so I’m going to have to steady myself for a drinking yeah but I’m saying you should you should you should let your hair down if the doggies have a win really wind it back get the punters involved I got a big I’ve got a big weekend man I’ve got people to see people to see games to watch footballers to meet cigaret meetings there’s all sorts of things going on secet meetings in public now guys I do need to address a very serious matter at the top of the the podcast yep it’s been brought to my attention this week that I’ve actually been repeatedly defamed by you and James bracie I thought we were a a team built on solidarity here at nines Wide World of Sports but I’m 100% footy which is now live right around Australia and then repeated on nine now I have become the butt of your smear campaign what did I learn I learned that some people don’t learn their lessons and you have to keep reminding them I’ll let the vision do the talking I’m getting excited ready because we’re 6 weeks away some too early to talk our beening years don’t pick your team until the midle they’re going to get they’re going to fall off a horse or that’s stupid M Thompson on my podcast 3 weeks ago we spent half an hour talking about should it be ree Walsh or [ __ ] pong off a Queensland fullback what happened we just wasted half an hour of my life it just drives me mad talking about our this time of year but you’re wasting your time doing got to get to the medical yet got another 30 days stupid dangerous word isn’t it stop using that what well I I have to I’ve been informed that I have to tell you after that scarless attack that I’ve engaged legal representation and he will be going after you and James Bracey particularly and this is my man I was terrible at chemistry my Pi charged me for 3 hours so I seriously doubt it took them more than one but you know with some sound advice and the proper introductions who knows I’ll tell you one thing you’ve got the right product anything that gets the dea’s panties and this big a bunch you’re on to something special and I would like to be a small and Silent part of it so if you want to make more money and uh keep the money that you make better call salul you’ll be hearing from my man yeah well if he if he’s your lawyer I’m in good shape I’m in good shape what a great sh what a great sh I want to be a small as silent part what a great show the best show or is just about my favorite show the funniest one he ever had was where that BL took them two kids out into the desert he was going to shoot them and he talked them out of killing them and just breaking their legs that’s he said I’m a genius he should I’ve saved your life I’ve got you downgraded from Death to broken legs that’s a that’s a law for fastic it’s the best shot better call all yeah stop picking origin teams you’re you’re one of them stop picking origin teams look at what you’re doing I ask you you’re injuring everyone you’re mocks your absolute mocks come on get on with the show okay um David for feed out let’s do it straight off the top now this is in the last couple of couple of hours so he’s back flipped as many people that are listening to us now would know what what I want want to know is who dumped who because at 7:35 the Titans issue of press release saying uh he’s decided that he’s going to activate his his player option to stay with the club for a further two years and then it’s 5 minutes later The Roosters came out and said we’ve withdrawn our offer so it’s like the he broke up with him or or the other one it’s like the school program I broke up with me girlfriend actually she dump me don’t get dumped very often it’s a funny game league isn’t it it really is isn’t it a funny game is what’s changed isn’t it a funny game weird what’s changed I didn’t get it well why would you wake up and go you know what I’m I’m staying they’re footballers mate they’re football try dealing with them every day of the week oh God football God knows what’s happened so the Titans said who who was coach of Manley when Dez back flipped on the Titans I think Bo caused the the back oh da you mean DC Bob Fon Bob no de was coach Bob Fon engineered the whole thing yeah and now Dez is part of a backflip now with fit I wonder if Dez had anything to do with it or he just woke up one morning said no they get a cooling off period yes they get a cooling off period I think they get a 10-day cooling off period and there’s also the opportunity for the incumbent Club to match any offer that’s been put forward by a rival Club so this was part of a an overhaul if you like from um last year at where um the NRL implemented a whole and you know better than me a new structure around this where there was a cooling off period and but existing clubs also had last rights on on there’s been a cooling off period for some time but now there’s a last right so if if you’ve got a player that’s been signed by another club um the incumbent club’s got 10 days to renegotiate their position on that matter and give them last shot at it so whether that’s happened or not or whether David’s just woken up one morning and said well he’s woken up this morning and said you know what I’m not I don’t want to go to the roosters he’s now been quoted David feder and saying that his family was a big part of this decision and all his family’s on the goal Coast like he didn’t know that last week before he made the decision to tell the roosters he was coming um look I sat on 100% footy on Monday night number one I couldn’t understand why the roosters I couldn’t understand the strategy in roosters in signing for feder and I also couldn’t understand and David Fida pushing himself out of his comfort zone to go to the roosters I just didn’t think it was going to suit either party not saying that what I had to say had any influence on it but maybe he’s gone home and had a think about it and thought you know what I’m pretty comfortable here they had a win on the weekend he would have been feeling good about that um all those Titans fans who were booing him on the weekend have now got to make up and all the rooster fans who were so happy about him and now giving it to him and saying we didn’t need him it’s a funny game rugby Le but don’t you think David F needs to be pushed out of his comfort zone to get the best out of himself that’s what we were sort of saying last week yeah he’s pretty comfortable up there he’s on good money and he’s um yeah I don’t know what what motivates people or what makes them tick or what their aspirations are he’s saying now that he’s happy with the direction the club is taking well why didn’t he feel that way last week he had the option in his favor last week to a new contract which I believe is very lucrative as I understand it it was more money than what he was going to take from The Roosters um or Panthers for that matter cuz he spoke to both clubs I think not that it’s gone the right way or this is how it should have been done but I I’m never comfortable with the two top teams in the competition penth and roosters being able to take the best player out of the club at the bottom who’s struggling I I I don’t like that I don’t like you know um that’s not my my way that movement amongst clubs should take place um I think personally I think roosters have dodged a bullet dodged a bullet I think they’ve dodged a bullet I don’t think he was suit them I really don’t I I I found it a strange signing for them I I’ll stand by that I don’t think I’m not saying David F is not a good player he’s a powerful ball Runner and he’s obviously an impact player and he can he can certainly win games for you I just didn’t see him from what I’ve seen him in his career fitting into their work ethic um and I I just I said it to some some rooster fans that I know that I’m very close to you know I said I said I I don’t understand it you know they were very excited about it well now today they they’re saying well so what’s what makes you think David Fida doesn’t have the capabilities of of suiting that hardk culture I didn’t say he had the capabilities I just say I haven’t seen it in his career to date I haven’t seen it in his career to date yeah he’s not he’s not what I would call a work ethic player he’s a powerful ball Runner you know who but give me the ball and I’ll run over them it’s like under seven stuff you know he’s not um you know even on the weekend watching him defensively I’m thinking he’d have a lot of work to do to fit into a roosters club that Prides itself on um on Fitness and work ethic and and defensive mindset I just I just he didn’t strike me as a rooster player what do you say in his defense that makes you question that well he doesn’t value it right he doesn’t value it he’s got a few mates up there simple as that he he likes to play when where they’ve got the ball but he’s not so keen on it when they haven’t got the ball now that’s a big mind shift and maybe he thought well I need to go to a club that can provide that for me yes but now he’s turned around this morning and said no I’m not going yeah so he’s taking the option the bigger money what shocked me is that roosters have all those kids in their system they’ve got very good players there to bring feder in As I understood it it would have put uh doubts on a couple of players they’ve actually got under contract and resigning Angus kryon who’s already there and been a proven performer and they’ve got some outstanding young talent coming through the grave there outstanding young Talent some really good young players who are being built up in the rooster mold and are coming through with that defensive work ethic mindset David ffid has come out of completely different systems and he’s not that sort of player now he can rise to the occasion he’s obviously played origin football but on a weekly basis from what I’ve seen of him he likes it when his team’s got the ball he’s not that Keen on it when the opposition’s got it it’s as simple as that so I I I didn’t see it as a good fit for the roosters when you say dodge a bullet do you mean for the for the money they’re spending yeah the return on investment yeah absolutely I thought when when they paid all that money for him again back on 100% footy back in the day when when goast paid all that money for him to get him out of Brisbane I I just I didn’t see the value in it I thought it was way overpriced and it it had a marked effect on the market that if he was able to get that amount of money at that young and age and that bigger contract you know what were the really established representative class Fords worth and if the Fords were worth that much well now what are The Playmakers worth you know and everyone takes their lead off you know what contracts are advertised um yeah and I got nothing against David David fed’s a handful I mean if you’re playing against David feder he’s in your game plan because you know he can hurt you he can score tries from anywhere he he’s he’s very very C when he’s got the ball in hand he’s a he’s a huge human being he can run really quick um he makes people Miss he’s got offloads in him he’s an attacking machine um but you know it’s just my personal opinion I I I don’t think the rers should be too disappointed to be honest okay the or he he was prominent for Queensland in origin last year having spent some time out of that team so clearly Billy Slater sees benefit in having him in the team in in that system where they are in you know effort is queensland’s Mantra at origin so maybe for that he’s also playing with a lot of lot of players that do have that work ethic and that you know all right there you go it’s just my opinion remains of all you’re this is your podcast well it’s I I just personally I don’t know how the roosters feel personally I think they’ve dodged a bullet and I think if a person does backflip you got to be thinking well he might have been our man might have been our man in the first place would you say the same about penth what well I don’t know what I don’t know what happened to penth he chose roosters over penth at the time now whether that was a lifestyle thing living near the beach whether he didn’t want to live at penth whether I don’t know I don’t know what his decision was for choosing one or the other it might have been money for neither do I we don’t know what it was yeah maybe the pressure of going to a team that’s won three premierships in a row and if I go there you know how do I keep that role going I’ll be judged differently I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what the decision was or The Thinking by choosing roosters over penth could have been money could have been lifestyle could have been location could have been a number of things but in the end he decided I’ve got to leave the go coast and I’m going to the roosters all right decision made make the announcement create the headlines break people’s hearts at the goast get booed by his fans on the weekend come out and have a win uh Wednesday morning no I’m going to stay so bizarre I’m going to stay yes very it’s a funny game I wanted to ask you a little bit the pong of things seems to have gone away in 48 hours but I do want to I do want to ask you about how third parties work but I’ll do it after we do this yes no no no no no no that’s no no dear dear without Tom trovich M are in danger of missing the eight yes I said that at the start of the year right at the start of the year uh it’s going to be a battle for them you know they’ve got a good head start on the eight now they’re in they’re well positioned but um this competition’s funny uh it’ll be interesting to see how they shape up with him and they got a long way to go and with Tom I know they’re saying six to eight weeks but given the recurrence of those hamstring injuries that he’s had I can only imagine they’re going to be very cautious about his next re-entry back into the game and then there are even those that have been saying prior to this hamstring injury he really hasn’t been stretching out he hasn’t been 100% himself you know 75 80% Tom has been good enough to win games for them but um we haven’t seen him at he centilating best people go back to 2021 when he broke all records I think he produced six of the top seven games in history statistically for his contribution to tries and points scored Etc um but he’s had a number of serious injuries since that time um this is terrible for the game and it’s terrible for for Manley um but you know they’re going to have to lift the young boy I think that’ll take his spot of they named cooler yep he’s um he’s he’s he’s lightning he’s dangerous he is lightning he is lightning but he’s a chaser he he needs to be set up and support other players you know that are going to get offloads and passes and kicks and he he can do all that he hasn’t got Tom’s creativity at the moment nor Tom’s influence on um on results Tom’s one of the great influencers of the scoreboard in our competition um it’s a it’s a huge loss to them and I hope he gets back sooner um but they’d have to be very very cautious about his re-entry back into the game so that doesn’t recur before the finals yeah they’ve got a good head start on the finals but you know it we’ve seen this happen before when a ke player goes out I haven’t heard much about Adam Dey until that talk kicked off in the last couple of days my question to you is he could be a valuable pickup if he gets back to playing he’s got to play he hasn’t played much football in the last few years um he’s had three KNE reconstructions I think and this one was um this recovery has been particularly long because um and again I’m not a surgeon but as I understand it when they reattached an ACL joint depending where the ACL has been thing they they have to drill a hole in the bone in the knee to attach it and put it back in we had several holes now which now have to be filled in and Bone grafted before they can do the next operation I think that’s how it went that’s why this one’s particularly long time um but from from all reports he’s training well um there were concerns about him last time even though he came back to playing that he wasn’t exactly 100% And he looked vulnerable and sure enough he did his ACL again um so I’d imagine any contract he signs for any significant amount of money would have to come with Clauses around recurrence of the injury yeah right um that would only be sensible and I think he would understand that but so far as ascertaining his value at the moment I don’t know if it’s true I don’t know if the Tigers have made him an offer um someone was saying the other night they made him an offer of 150,000 now and he’s still six weeks away from playing now you might be saying that because well maybe he’ll sign cheap because he wants the security of a contract when he hasn’t got one for next year if he comes back and gets injured and he hasn’t got a contract who’s going to resign him then so Adam’s got to make up his mind whether or not he signs now with the security of some sort of income for next year um or he risks playing without a longer term you know employment strategy in place and gets injured again which could you know conceivably decrease his value to zero and and even affect his future career uh it’s not good um he’s obviously had a lot he’s a highly talented player he’s still only young he’s 25 I I thought he was older than that I he’s got a long time ahead of him if he can Reg Fitness yeah I feel so sorry for people like this that just keep suffering the same injury it must be mentally just horrendous my male is that he looks better this time than he did coming back from the previous injury you know and even last time coming back from the previous injury there were people close to the situation said to me they didn’t think he looked 100% they didn’t think he was as strong as he needed to be which proved to be correct because he did his ACL again and it was Prett simple if you remember he jumped for I think I he jumped for a line Dropout or something caught a high ball yeah he just and just landed it was it was one of those ones where there was he just hurt himself there was no one near yeah he was no one near it yeah so you know let’s let’s hope it all works out I really do he’s a talented player he can play a number of positions he’s very versatile U he can play center Wing fullback 58 probably halfback at a pinch um at his best he’s quality oh yeah absolutely absolutely there’s no doubting his ability um but three ACLS it’s a it’s a risk isn’t it but you know like in two years time we might be talking about this if he can get through a couple of offseasons and get some football under his belt and play another 50 or 60 games then uh as I said to you the other day the the career of Playmakers these days is between 25 and 35 he’s only just turning 25 now so he’s still if he can recover from this and stay on the field he’s still got potentially an eight or 10 year career in front of him in the NRL if if he can stand up the question is will he stand up did the clubs sign are some signings done with injury Clauses in contracts uh I’d never knew that if if someone’s had repeated injuries right repeated injuries yeah you would be you would be wise to have that sort of thing inserted in your contract yeah wow so player has to is taking a risk on their own body well when they sign a contract the risk is shared I I think from memory when Max King came to us um a couple of years ago at Bulldogs Max had been out for some time um with an injury and they couldn’t get it right he was contracted to the Melbourne storm and then they released him because he just couldn’t get the injury right and he went away and trained privately up I think up in Newcastle um up near where his mom and dad live and he wanted he wanted to get to the point where he wanted to try again and his manager rang and asked us just for an opportunity I mean he came to us very cheap and he came just for an opportunity and it was kind of at the back end of Co so um we had to sneak him in and out of Belmore to get the treatment for him during the co period what’s up don’t say that can’t you no no why not well you don’t want to give yourself up don’t I although they’re not finding people anymore are they that’s three years ago yeah it doesn’t matter what’s the we had to get him the right medical anyway anyway I’m too honest so anyway um anyway we got him going but I I think in that there wasn’t so much a clause in his contract but he’s manager if it doesn’t work out you know there’s no it’s all good we’ll just walk away but thankfully it’s worked out G good Max King gone terrific big thing yeah I love Max King lovely black lovely family been married he’s yeah lovely how old is he lovely kid oh Max be 25 26 now I suppose big lump of him lad he’s good M he did a great job for us last year he played last year with a crack sternum you know we had a lot of we had a lot of injury problems last year and a lot of our front rows were injured and Max had to wear the burden of that all year he was playing 60 70 minutes every week he had a crack Stern him he couldn’t train he couldn’t lift weights uh he normally goes around between 113 114 kilos he got down to 104 he was you know he was feeling weak but he just kept turning out every week you know people say geez Max is not going we know the true story inside I just send him a text every week and said mate can’t than you enough you know you’re going great because we were we’re in a hole this offseason he’s trained without the pain without the injury he’s got his weight back up to 113 114 Kos he goes out and plays every week he just tackles he runs the ball he’s a great club man we’ve resigned him for the next three years um couldn’t be happy it’s a great story because you know three three four years ago um his career could have been over they just couldn’t get his foot right I think it was killes issue attendant issue and sometimes they can just take a long time to heal they’re a very difficult injury sometimes well Adam Dy can take a bit of heart in that absolutely there”s been good stories like that over the years um Adam dwey you would hope will come good but he’s just got to be patient and he’s going to have to take his time I guess to prove to people and earn the money that he was on previously because he was on pretty good contracts previously well take take the coin get back Play Good get another deal what he needs to do is play he needs to survive and to play that’s what he needs to do you know and that’s not trying to cheap in his value but the bottom line is it’s a risk for anyone who takes him on until such times as he shows it’s not a risk mhm now they can fix it the medical these days is outstanding and they’ve they’ve they’ve you know replaced the acl ligament and as far as I know he’s up in training and training really well better than probably did on the last recovery so good got spies everywhere let’s hope it goes well that’s my job baby would you have lik to have been in like the CIA or you know AO or something like that because the more I watch True Crime shows and that’s all I really watch them more I think I could do it yeah actually my dad took me by the year and took me down to enroll in the police force at one time time yeah cuz he was a policeman I think being a spy would be great fun I passed everything did you be a color but I was colorblind so in this studio otherwise I’d have been a policeman are we seeing the same thing or are you seeing different colors what are you seeing I’m seeing herds of wild w w boost what are you looking at you wouldn’t know what I’m saying what color is the screen what do you expect to see out of a c key window um that’s green oh it’s predominantly blue right I can tell colors right but I can’t tell like colors if you put them together like I’ll get um oh right pinks and Grays and reds and greens and blues and purples and uh yellows and light green so like colors I can’t do this so so the the color blind test uh when I went down for the police force many years ago and these days I believe they don’t have to pass one I would have been a policeman if I went and did the test seems like a stupid trivial thing no it’s not what if you what if you you got to go to court and ATT test that he was driving a red car and you you know and it was actually green it’s not you just said but no like you yeah okay anyway so what the color blind test was they had you know those psychedelic pages and somewhere in the Psychedelic page there’s a number yeah so she she opened the book to page one I’ll never forget this the woman opened the to page one and she said what’s the number on the page and I said page one I’m looking I’m looking for p I’m looking for number one on the page she said no no can’t you see a number said there’s no number there she said now in in the Psychedelic Circle she said what she said there’s a number there I said I can’t see so she turned the other one she said what’s I said I don’t know so did you know you were c ah when I was at school I used to yeah drawing pictures as a kid I used to draw the the grass red or the um sky purple this get this gets off his head could could explain a lot of things like there could be a lot of reasons for that so then there was a test where she had these colored discs oh yeah and it went from lightest to darkest and all I had to do was put them in put him in sequence of lightest to darkest and I looked at him and she said well just get the darkest one and it was sort of like light pinks into Grays you know and I’m looking at it and she said can’t you see the darkest one I said no and she said here this one she’s giving you the answer she said there’s the darkest one she said can you tell me the lightest one said no there’s the lightest one just fill in the three in between which I mean I’m I’m a chance of just fluking it and I said look I don’t know she said well she said it’s not the end of the world you’re just not meant to be a policeman so I didn’t pass the test how different would the rugby league landscape be if you’re in the cops how different would my how different would my life be wow yeah but you didn’t answer my question do you think you could have been a spy like you know the person that looks after Jason Bourne like the the boss it’s got the spies all over the world I love the Bourne movies oh they’re good I love there are some movies that when you’re flicking and when you’re flicking through and you see it I’ve got to stop and watch it I’m watching One on Apple TV I I let to say that it’s called sugar it’s a spy show you should watch that I’ve watched it have you it’s good eh see the the the woman that looks after that little spy Network who I I think might turn on them I haven’t quite got to that point I could be her yeah y there’s there’s some great real life documentaries around all of this that are they’re just brilliant oh you need to send them to me I want to watch them some great real life documentaries around yeah around the world there’s some incredible stuff going on around the world and the internet and all sorts of anyway where we up I don’t know I I I defy anyone of our viewers listeners to tell me that Jason Bourne is not the best of all of them he’s the best he’d be more phenomenal he beat him more uh Tiger Woods will make the cut at the uspga this week oh you think he will I think he’ll make the cut yeah uh he’s no chance of winning no I think I think those days are gone I really do I just I think not because he can’t hit the ball anymore but he’s just he can’t physically get through the four days particularly around um the the arduous test of of major tournaments and the Finesse the really intricate finesse that stood him out from the rest he’s still great don’t get me wrong he’s still a very very good golfer but what stood him out from the others was that incredible Instinct and finesse and it’s just not there he can’t play regularly enough to sharpen that um yeah he’s uh I don’t think he can win no he can’t win it’s at valhall love to see make the cut very long and very tight course according to golf experts I actually asked Paul gal former Aussie PGA star who was tipping he said uh don’t mind Ricky Fowler which I thought was a bit out of left field if you’re having a punt gamble responsibly he might be the one sharks roosters this week finally Gess could it be the Grand Final yes it’s one option yeah um you know the boosters well last week we tied the Sharks to beat Melbourne nickin pulled out late and they still beat them which was a terrific performance and they were gutsy as very they’ve been gutsy all year they W you know right from the first game of the season when they beat the Warriors over there I think round one they beat the Warriors in New Zealand and had no ball one of the great wins just defended their line and um and their season’s gone up and the Warriors have sort of gone backwards since then uh you know and in the last few weeks where people were saying well the Sharks haven’t really played anyone they haven’t played any of the top sides and I said here on this podcast yeah but they’re getting the per preparation to do that so now they’re coming into storm they’re coming into rosters and then Panthers you couldn’t get a better preparation they they’re fitting well they’ve they’ve done the work they’re up the top of the competition uh it was perfect preparation and they put in that Stellar performance in Melbourne the other night to thoroughly deserve their win um we’ll get to the preview of the games I think I’m tipping them this week I think you are tipping them yep yeah I think uh I think differently okay um we got8 from eight last week so I’m not one to argue given on last um so I don’t want to go into what all the the hysteria around kin pong this week but I do want to ask and for the benefit of our listeners we hear a lot about third parties third party deals how do they work clubs aren allowed to enlist someone to come along and be a third party sponsor is that true as soon as anyone here’s the term third party sponsorship what do you think they all one sponsors is giving they all think it’s Sinister that’s the way we’ve had our game portray third party agreements because back in the day many many years ago there were a lot of illegal payments to players to entice them to sign with clubs and stay with clubs um and every Club was doing it because every Club had to do it otherwise if you didn’t do it you competed but some were doing it better than others and I’m talking about a long time ago but some clubs have have greater access to well it’s not it’s not up to the club to access third party arrangements for players that’s that’s the part of the arrangement with the league there is nothing wrong with players earning corporate sponsorships MH or doing work for corporates or being paid for their IP or being paid for their talent or being paid to coach junior football teams you know advertise Brands work in television commercials um you know be a brand for a a different product ET ET there is nothing wrong with players they say over in the US right that the really good professional players whether it be basketball baseball NFL or what have you earn 10 times more from endorsem*nts than they do from their salary all right so Tiger Woods if you look at his career his career earnings right his career earnings it would be 10% of his overall wealth because of endorsem*nts and product and everything and you that would be a restriction of trade not to allow professional sports people to have endorsem*nts outside the game there are endorsem*nts and there are sponsorships all right now people who who want to sponsor a player because they want their brand associated with that player or they want that player’s brand to promote them do that for those sorts of purposes um but that all has to be at arms length from the club what they didn’t want to do was for the club to be actively involved in raising those sponsorships for the players because obviously some clubs are geographically and commercially yeah uh in a better position to do that than other clubs which would increase place an imbalance in the competition um so a third party arrangement for a start is not Sinister it happens regularly players doing it even most players have a boot sponsor or a gear sponsor or or what have you but with respect to the you would for it to be um deemed appropriate the a sponsor would have to independently come to a player and ask them to work in a in a a end can be as simple I’m telling you it can be as simple as Joe the butcher down the road road who’s done very well in his business and he daughter his daughter loves a player and he says I want to sponsor this player for me daughter so he meets my daughter it’s as simple as that sometimes okay I mean honestly they get approaches from people like that all the time um I remember in his very early days when he was very young Nathan clear we had plenty of inquiries from car companies and um because he had a a strong Instagram following he had a strong social media following they wanted him associated with them he was very young and we had to limit the number of opportunities that he took on because we didn’t want he had one sponsor that that was driving him mad so we had to cancel that because he was taking up too much of his time or the per the person was too demanding on his time and and really just wanted to be associated with him you know more than anything so so an external sponsor can come to the club looking to access a player yeah well they supposed to go through the manager if they come to the club the club will refer them to the manager right right and then it has to be worked out between the manager and that player if a if a manager finds a corporate sponsor an endorsem*nt sponsor or someone who just wants to sponsor a player for a certain amount of money he then applies to the league to register that third party Arrangement the league then does its checks on whether or not this is a legitimate sponsorship once they’ve decided they’ve done their checks and their happy with it they then refer it to the club and they say Matt Thompson we’ve just had an inquiry for this person to sponsor him for $20,000 uh he runs a auto shop or he runs a smash repairs or he’s you know he’s doing this um do you know this person have you had any contact with this person is he a sponsor is he a member is he a um associated with your Club in anyway does he have any commercial arrangement with your Club no no no no no does he conflict with one of your sponsors in other words is he a different car dealer to your car dealer is you’re different you know to this or that no no no uh they’ll work out whether or not he conflicts with one of the major spons of the game etc etc so um they all do their checks and they go to the club and they say to the club are you happy to sign off on this are you happy to say that you’ve had no part in this yes yes yes yes yes and they go off and do their sponsorship and it’s really between the player and the sponsor it’s got nothing to do with a club all right so let me let me there there aren’t as many of those as people might suspect I mean it’s really the elite players that get them it’s as simple as that sure you know um but um you know and the the elite players for it can be very taxing their time too and they try to limit themselves to to good ones and and it they don’t want to tax their time being spread over too many endorsem*nts you know and it’s just depends on the motivation of the person that wants to sponsor them but it’s it’s it’s purely earnings away from his wage with the club sure and it’s not instigated by the club so that’s where I want to just get to what he’s allowed now you mentioned there there’s some checklists yeah I’ve seen that um with respect to as breaking news by the way Wayne Bennett’s agreed to coach house for three years on $3 million breaking news are you no uh he’s 74 I know threeyear deal Wayne Ben it done going to South um he’s 74 I know someone was saying you know should have sign a 10 year deal cber Raiders ass signed Ricky Stewart until he’s 60 um so you mentioned there’s a few things within that if a sponsor well firstly what if it is a club sponsor that wants to can’t if if they’ve got any commercial arrangement with the club at all they can’t be the the third party sponsor even to the point and uh this was referred to me by uh a CEO at another club he had he had a um a car sponsor who was sponsoring a number of his players with third party cars he’ give him a car to drive his car from his car yard all right um and he was not a sponsor of the club right he had no commercial arrangement with the club but he wanted footballers driving his cars all right and was happy to give a dozen cars to the club and they could give them out to footballers and that’s all gone through the right causes he goes and gets that that BL then Rings up and says can I get a corporate box for this home game and the Clum says can’t do that why you can’t in exchange for that right you can’t you can’t have a commercial relation no he just wanted to go to the football and it was say you couldn’t even sell him a box yeah that’s the other part say look you’ll have a car sponsor of a club he can’t he can’t give a player a car unless it’s put in the salary cap but he can go and get one of his rivals to third party the car if he’s not a sponsor that’s the the rules are weird yeah but it’s very strict and they what about a member no not even a member uh a member can sponsor I think yeah you can be a member and be a sponsor right but you can’t be a you can’t be a corporate partner you can’t be a box holder you can’t be a sponsor you can’t be yeah right so I suppose what I’m getting at is what what what these regulations seek to avoid is that you could say um you know Oak who were a major sponsor of penrith You could sign a player on 300,000 and give them a separate sponsorship of 300,000 doesn’t come if if these laws weren’t as they are it is a a mechanism to circumvent the cap well talking about American Sports right watching American Sports over the years you know like you’ll get a a basketball player whether he’s going to play in LA San Diego or New York and he sponsor who might be one of the leading gear things might say well you know if you play there we’ll give you 12 million if you play there we’ll give you 20 million if you want to go and play there we’ll give you 30 million in endorsem*nts you know just depending on the area that he lived in so it affects you know the sponsor determines whether or not it’s it’s value to them it’s not it’s not as great out here as people make out no um and we’re still a small country and I often wonder on the return in investment of these types of things normally it’s just passionate people that want to support a player that want to be involved with the player what about like what about a boot sponsorship like I think I think James Tesco is with aex I think well Andrew is with Nike’s whole career so that that some of them some some of those deals uh there is money plus gear some are just gear some they just get a certain amount of gear right um but that’s that’s all in that’s all external that’s all external right and if if the club has a gear sponsor or a boot sponsor then that that’s difficult as well you know about a PL going to a club has has got a different sponsor so why would Ken pong’s father have gone to the NL if it’s a third party deal external from the club I’ve got no idea I’ve only read what you’ve read right but I was skeptical right from the start of that story being as big as what it was portrayed um the way it was portrayed was that uh kalum ponga hadn’t been paid his father had been to the NRL to complain and that retrospectively that could prove to be a salary cap breach for the Newcastle nights that’s how it was originally portrayed and I said well I can’t see I can’t see how that’s the story because if a player hasn’t been paid and I’m not saying that’s the case and I think it’s been proven now he’s been paid but if a player wasn’t paid by a third party sponsor or an endorsem*nt that’s between the player that’s and the spor the management and the sponsor and I said on the show the other night I said Newcastle I sound like they’re well protected here because it’s been registered and approved by the NRL yeah now if you had a contract if if if there was a third party payment to a player that was not registered which would be an legal sponsorship an illegal third party sponsorship or whatever and it hadn’t been paid and you went and complied and then they found out that they had not registered that and the club had been a party to that that’s when you get your breach but as far as I know this sponsorship wherever it was or whoever it was to had been registered therefore the club was protected the NRL was protected it’s really an issue between the player and the sponsor if he didn’t get paid whether or not the player performed the work or the obligations were expected of him for that sponsorship all these sort of things will be worked out but as it turns out it looks as though it’s just blown over um that everything was above board the players’s been paid and now everybody’s happy maybe they’ll try maybe they were using the media as leverage to get paid could maybe maybe maybe maybe all right I think I think that’s a May or maybe we you know jump the gun on the seriousness of the nature I think that was worthwhile explaining because people go third parties well you know it it is murky water and just a comp like I still I don’t like the term third party the third end I don’t yeah it’s an endorsem*nt I don’t know when it’s a sponsorship I don’t know when that came about because third party so you’ve got the club and the player party number one party number two he’s going to be paid by party number three so they called this third party right now back in the days a lot of not a lot of those weren’t registered and didn’t have to be registered I think it was around 2009 20010 when the salary cap ordor said to all the clubs tell us what’s you’re actually spending tell us what’s actually coming in I think there was a big meeting back then I wasn’t working with a club at the time I was in between roosters and Panthers but pretty sure back in the day um it had sort of become fairly r that players were getting the sponsorships outside the salary cap and with some clubs it was obviously far more predominant than others and the game really didn’t know what the game was costing the D the game I think this is in the Gallup um shubber era the game the Sal recap order really they didn’t have a view of what the game was really costing Sal Rec cap wise the salary cap might have been 4 million there might have been 16 clubs or whatever $64 million in salar but the game might have been costing 120 million they wouldn’t know because of all these endorsem*nt so I think at the time I and schuber said to all the clubs can you tell me what you’re actually spending can you actually so we know what the games cost we know what the game’s worth we know what these players are worth because that can go into our negotiations for broadcast rights and what we’ve actually got to pay these players it there was an inflated Market outside the salary cap all right around those times now I don’t think it’s anywhere near like that today not from my experience anyway I don’t think it’s anything like that today U but back in the old days it was quite rough it was quite you know and number of clubs got themselves in trouble with it but the league itself said like I always I always said the league should have put a moratorium up and get everyone to come in and fess up and own up and to see what the game was actually spending and what other money is out there because we’ve got all these people that want to put money into rugby league how can we get them into the game why wouldn’t we be looking for endorsem*nts and finance outside the game and outside broadcast rights and revenue sources from there and no one’s really ever come to terms with that so they they had this idea of this third party Arrangement and because of what happened back in the old days um it’s sort of had a Sinister connotation when it shouldn’t be and we shouldn’t make them feel Sinister there are some people who sponsor players who are sometimes felt them as though they’re doing something illegal because of all the Hoops they got to jump all the forms they got to fill out and all the questions they get up seems It’s hugely regulated well I’ve had I’ve actually had sponsors say look they’re treating me like I’m you know like this going back years but it’s kind of had this negative connotation around it about players being sponsored and getting endorsem*nts when I think why wouldn’t you want them getting if somebody wants to pay your money then why why don’t why you say why don’t we want them on ads on TV advertising for why don’t we want our rugby league players every time I see an ad- on TV for an AFL player or a cricketer or a young Rugby Union players where’s our rugby league players on these there aren’t a lot of them are there no there aren’t we make it too hard yeah well we have made it too hard in the past but you know and it’s kind of like rugby league hasn’t sold itself outside its own game in that you know even even these subliminal things when you see ads and there’s four posts in the background or it’s you know it’s it’s instead of two posts that all these sort of things are strategic marketing plans and our game should be marketing our players to sponsors and endorsem*nts and having them in in media particularly in social media now with it’s the length and breadth of what that is and um endorsem*nts on television it’s it’s it’s ing for the code other businesses that use Robo league players as as public facing um you know tools for their business it actually promotes the game we should be promoting players getting endorsem*nts outside the absolutely should be promoting it but the problem is it has a negative connotation and people are skeptical um about the legality of it all and they start to question it and then the people that do it are reluctant to do it because they don’t want to be seen as doing something wrong for sure that you know I don’t want my business to be embroiled in some sort of Sal recap drama when I’m just trying to do the right thing and honestly some some of their reasons some of their reasons for just wanting to sponsor is that my kids love the Raiders or my kids love you know the Panthers or whatever that’s their reason for doing it but they want to put money and they want to they want to have a relationship here with what’s to stop that why is that soon as Sinister I’d love to see Gus’s spy Services sponsoring players out there G of spy Services hey um quickly Harry Grant now he he he took one for the team last night and got off so he was F to Grand if he lost he got found if he lost he was going to go up to, 1500 but he said you know what I need to go and fight this because if I don’t for the rest of the Year this is this is going to be you’re going to get cited for for a glancing blow on a kicker he didn’t even he had his back turned he was looking at where the ball was going the boot grazes him and he gets 10 in the bin it was FAL yeah now not even not related to this interest but it’s it’s all it’s all in the same thing when we when we make a rule when we change a rule and sometimes we change our rules for very bizarre reasons or you know we we change rules too quickly or introduce a new to rule quickly that rule might have all good intention the people making the rule might have a good idea and think oh there’s been a campaign by Media or social media or fans or whatever you and I think well I’m I’ll go with the Masters here and I’ll change this rule you know the seven tackle rule for kicking the ball dead for example you know so we’ll change this rule or the stripping rule or you know whatever it is but it then has to be implemented by the officials all right it then has to be implemented on the day by officials all right either on the field or off the field has to be implemented the issue is that the implementation doesn’t always match what the intention of the rule was supposed to be and it was born out to me many many many years ago by John Quail who was leading the game he said if you ever have influence over the game if you ever have um a voice in the game let me guarantee you one thing do not let referees control the rule book they are different they are different they think about the game differently they don’t think about the game like fans and like players and that’s not a bad thing all right but sometimes the rule is just implemented to the nth degree the absolute Nth Degree and that was not the intention of the rule maker or the people who put the rule there and a lot of this comes because there is this campaign amongst people who really don’t understand the ramifications of it oh we need a black and white interpretation we need a black and white interpretation on high tackle a black and white interpretation on instruction a black and white interpretation on on stripping when our game is far from black and white the only black and white things we have in our game and did the ball go through the post or did the ball touch the line they are the only black and white things that’s not black and white anymore no um you know so everything else is subjective and should be Case by case the problem is that the officials in this in this this feeling that they we need to be consistent no we need to be right we need to be fair we need to have common sense and that won’t mean that what we said this week is going to be the same as this week for that particular incident because they’re both slightly different this black and white interpretation around obstruction around stripping around High tackles and and challenging kickers and um you know being tackled off the ball and tackle the player with not in possession the B all these subjective things around the the game did he escort him did he get in his way did he take his eyes off the ball did he have his eyes on the player you know what was his intent they’re trying to read the minds of players this Defender yeah he he couldn’t get across there he wasn’t even going across there he had no intention of going across there you’re putting thoughts in his mind that weren’t even there this is all open to interpretation and what they’ve tried to do is come up with black and white interpretation because they think that’s what’s going to satisfy the masses on their decision well it has to be black and white it was like the slap in the face to troit the other night every man in his dog knows that that shouldn’t be a penalty the black in the bunker giving the penalty knew that it shouldn’t be a pen you could hear it in his voice but was kind of well well gr man is is encouraging more common sense at least his public his public statements are discretion now with respect to this one I think everybody agrees protecting the legs of the kicker is a good thing and you go back to the James Graham one on Adam Reynolds all those years ago that’s probably where this was all born but honestly so they think they think consistency is that you have to take you have to penalize everything that even remotely looks like he wasn’t even looking at his leg it happened with the hip drop tackles it happens with high tackles it happens with chicken wings it happen all of a sudden we’ll have a Spate of something because someone gives it a name and now anything that gets remotely that looks like that gets thrown into the basket my big one is obstruction that’s the the big one that I just gets applied so poorly but you’ll have these commentators that support the decisions simply because they think it needs to be black and white when it’s not black and white now it’s the same thing with Harry Grant it was the same thing with the boic penal the other night they in in search for what they think is consistency or in search for what they think is going to protect them from criticism because it happened last week and the week before and the week before and we’ve got to get they’re actually finding lack of Common Sense and inconsistency in what they’re doing and I’m quite sure that the people who make the rules sometimes look can say no we didn’t we didn’t mean that we didn’t no that’s not yeah well okay I understand your point but how could anyone possibly have seen the Harry gr on the week again and thought that that was an attack on the kicker’s legs and it was dangerous how could anyone have thought that how could anyone how could that have even crossed anyone’s mind but that’s that’s what referees and officials think their job is to do that’s what they think their job is to do right because they take it to the nend degree I described it many many years ago I said if you get a painter in to paint your windows I want me Windows painted right what do they do they’ll sand back the windows and they put a nice coat of paint around they look really beautiful and they clean the glass and off they’ll go beautiful ask a referee to paint your window you’re p p up the glass you well technically the glass is part of the window and you won’t be seeing out of them and that’s not that’s not being rude that’s how referees think that and that’s how they want to think but referees don’t really think like that but but that’s what they do with the rules like there there are time I’ve been through it mate I’ve been in this game great anyway look I think everybody knows this my 49th season in the game this is 50 next year yeah 49th season in the game of I’ve Seen It All I’ve watched the evolution of our game and the evolution of everything and the referees God bless them you know the referees do the best they can we just make it too difficult for them we really do we make it too difficult for them by expecting something more than they can actually provide um ask us questions now Goran has picked up on something that I don’t bag referees mate I bag processes and I B bag rules that’s what I that’s what I criticize and I criticize it not to bag them but to hope that we can benefit the game by changing it that’s why I do it and I believe in it so I say what I believe anyway what’s your next question well Goran sort of on on a rules refereeing thing what what what really irked me on the weekend is that Harry Grant got 10 in the bin for that and Isaiah papalii throws his leg out trying a trip which is the most blatant trip I’ve seen in seasons and it’s not like it’s a penal not even a sin bin yeah what’s doing with the tripping y I’ve seen more trips this year it’s around 11 coming that I’ve seen in 3 years what’s doing it’s a funny game Matthew oh but why aren’t we seen me blacks for trying to trip others it’s a funny game but answer my question why it’s a funny guame he used to send bles off for tripping a long long time ago but back in the old days they were kicks they were tripped like these are reactionary sort of things and they’re all different but should that in the context of what’s Happening Now in the game should that not have been a sin bin well they s been for everything these days this is what I mean yeah anyhow um Goran you your question the frustration and people look and I’m not I don’t I’m critical of rules and I’m critical of procedure I don’t blame the people that are trying to implement the rules because I I don’t envy their job and what they’re searching for is probably impossible and it gets them into more trouble than anything but the game or fans are going to criticize if we treat things differently based on you know whether or not we can we can decipher between the difference between two things they wanted all to be black and white and people that have encouraged them to be black and white I believe are wrong I believe that only gets them in more trouble which it does you get incidents like this it’s not it’s not it’s not the bunker official that’s wrong here it’s the mindset behind it that’s wrong y all right you know what I mean I do which is why Harry went and challenged it and good on him now and Harry now he doesn’t have any offense for that he there’s no carryover relatable to it and he was only risking $500 now if he’d had prize and he was a two week suspension and if you you wrong or guilty it’s three or four weeks do you think he’d have gone down and challenged it don’t know probably well he probably doesn’t take the risk which means he then pleads guilty to something he didn’t think he really did it shown it shown the ring on the weekend to be wrong and that’s a that was you know everyone knew the ruling was wrong everyone knew that that’s not what we meant by it yeah or whatever they were trying to do in protecting the kickers and which has now gone to the nth degree all right whatever were trying to do with that even the people that made that rule looked at and went oh that’s that’s not what we meant that’s not what we meant we know that that’s what not what we meant all right let’s keep how but how do we back out of that now and and and then next week when someone does knock a leg out or you know because we had a kid in Reser grade the other day Brees League you know like um Lan ilas from South Sydney that was awful yeah so there is a reason for them doing what they’re doing but by the same taken it’s got to be Case by case and if if just rush in past the kicker his foot comes in contact to you is that really what we no that’s not what we intended well it’s sorted itself out I guess hasn’t sorted himself out today because he goes off for 12 for 10 minutes and they cop the penalty and they lost the game anyway okay very good um one quick did I get through all that without one quick we didn’t use the word stupid you said that for me um which is probably true um with magic round Upon Us ask now is this Ry or Ray r y I think there might be a name missing with magic round upon us got me thinking who’s the most magical player you’ve seen on a football field the most magical magical what a good question what a what a that’s open to interpretation magical isn’t it yep captivating spell binding all of that sort of stuff uh Ray or Ry says for him it’s Benji yeah he’s certainly up there go back in here Johnny Raper was a magical magical player back when I first started following the game um Arthur beatson I thought was a magical player U wonderful playmaker there’ve been some really good ones over the years Cliffy Lions was a magical player one of my all-time favorite Playmakers Benji was a huge favorite of mine uh magical defin magic something you you just can’t believe J takes your breath away and there are moments that do it but players that do it consistently that consistently David peachy was a magical player Andrew Walker was a magical player Andrew Johns Andrew Johns was yeah magical and there a lot of players that come upia a lot of players come up with magic moments and our game can be magic anyone can have come up with a magic moment that you’ll remember but to be repeatedly magical to be repeatedly brilliant um and and stun people and that’s they’re your Champion players I remember we were at a An Origin training session down at Cova one day and Andrew Jones was our halfback and we’re training there at KI and we’re just going through sets of six and then get the fifth tackle and he kick this banana kick across and tamanah who would race through and catch it with one hand and put it down in the corner and this banana kick had spin out and go sideways and end up in His Hands Across there anyway um the session was over and uh rugby league journalist at the time by the name of Roy Masters come over to me and on you a long time and we’re talking about the foot he said uh he said that banana kick from Andrew Johns you know that banana kick he just kicks out there like that off the side of his foot he said yeah he said it’s a fluke isn’t it I said yeah 100% he said is isn’t it’s a fluk I said yeah I said he just fled it 20 out of 20 times I said Old Roy Master it’s no fluk I know I know too good um heaps of other questions there we’ll hold some over for next week some great ones because we we’ve had heaps talk about today 72 days until the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games gust my Olympic six tackle trivia question for you today is who was the heavyweight boxing gold medalist at the 1960 Olympic Games you’ll get this break and back with more the 1960 Olympics Gus in Rome yep who was the heavyweight boxing gold medalist my first thought is cassus clay that is correct well done not Muhammad Ali cus clay one of the great Sports people ever now he threw his he threw his gold medal into a river I think the Ohio river in to protest uh against the treatment of well particularly black people in the United States but what was so touching is that he was later giv back a replacement gold medal and then let the play at the 96 Atlanta Olympics and I didn’t realize Gus but in 2012 he was among a group that escorted the Olympic flag into the stadium for the opening ceremony so Olympic gold medalists protested uh and then lit The Cauldron Atlanta and then was later involved and of course past to White 74 after a long and debilitating battle with Parkinson’s disease back in 2016 yep great great great man um did you ever see him fight I mean you would have been ‘s pump yeah absolutely yeah sorry my number of times um ferocious it wasn’t like today where all these things were live broadcast on TV you’d see replays of it later I can remember being at school um when he fought Joe Frasier when he came back from his incarceration he fought Joe Frasier and Joe Frasier beat him on points um but was that the Thriller in Manila no no no that was George Foreman right have you seen um when we were Kings I don’t think I have no you you need to go and watch that that’s brilliant that’s the it’s the story of his fight but it tells you more about Muhammad Ali as a person than the actual fight itself but what he took on on that and you know his whole he used his success as a fighter to raise awareness for the plight of his people yeah and he was you know very um he’s one of the great world Achievers um cassus clay Muhammad Ali and one of the greatest athletes of all time and a wonderful fighter but I remember distinctly I remember this day distinctly he’ come back from incarceration because he was constricted to go to Vietnam War and he refused to go and they jailed him um so he came back for this fight against uh Joe Frasier and I was sitting in class at high school and I had a you know those little red transistor radios with an earphone that ran from me pocket down my arm and I had piece of my ear yeah and I’m sitting there in um Mass class with the going on in my ear oh wow watching the teacher at the school board and I had a jumper on it was like you know 100° people look why have you got a jump roll I got to hide the I got to hide the lead to me wow yeah I listen to the fight on the on the radio wasn’t that a golden era boxing yeah well you as kids um you don’t know you know like you it’s you’re impressionable and you’re impressionable those times but um the fight in Manila against George Foreman there’s a a great documentary of showing course called um when we were Kings I think it’s called and what was The Rumble in the Jungle uh was that Frasier again yeah it was frasia yeah um the Thriller in Manila I think was George Foreman I think yeah it’s just great what a great Thriller and Manila Rumble in the Jungle too good that’s so boxing all right um women’s origin tomorrow night how good first the first game in and now three game series I’m just going to run through the teams uh for Queensland Upton fullback probably the best women’s player in the world Julia Robinson Emily bass on the wings Shena Zula ivania Pita in the centers Taran Aikin Zara Tamara the hav Shannon mat Destiny Brill Jess Elliston tasmin rap formerly Tasman gray Romy title and Ali Brin Shaws at lock then manzelman Joseph hollyman and brown on the bench for New South Wales Tona gardo fullback Chapman panatar on the wings seres and Kelly the skipper in the centers back to Pearson then our own Millie Elliott Olivia Higgins Caitlyn Johnson KY apps Yasmin c d KY Davis F Mano kernick Kamp Tonga turkey two very very strong team they’re good sides AR they they’re good sides we’ve seen a lot of these girls come through the system over a period of time and just get better and better every year um this is the first three- game origin Series in the women’s games history uh all the girls are extremely excited about it and I can only imagine what Thursday night’s going to bring I just feel so privileged us to be a part of Channel 99’s calling this game we’ll be doing it with atana great on Thursday night and can’t wait to get there and do it well let look at the blue side it’s a good side I look at both of them actually yeah they’re both very very good sides they got so much danger their coin up inate fullback AK and tahara Zahara Tamar in the hars and Bri and sha lock like there’s four different attacking focal points yep all right I’m not going to ask you to tip anyone because you’ll be tipping New South Wales before we move on to our preview I’m not going to jinx anyone here but all of the talk and Mitchell M isn’t even playing this week everyone saying he’s a lock to play halfback for New South well how he’s not he hasn’t come back yet the anticipation is that he’ll play the following week yeah he will play um talking about again this one 100% footy on Monday night um there were times throughout my origin coaching where we had to make a decision on whether a player who’s been out injured we should bring him into origin without games under is built and my view was that if he was a proven origin performer then I had no hesitation to do it I just think the origin player is a class above and can certainly handle that rise you wouldn’t put Moses in the proven origin performance category yeah but he’s a proven he’s a proven performer and he’s had origin experience and to be honest he’s the best available or we’re hoping he’s the best well you want you want the answer to my question yeah I think they’ll both be there you think it’ll be both of them I I I was sort of just thinking would you from a selection perspective would you not be looking for a left-sided 58 because Lui and Burton are both those players again that’s what I said the other night I couldn’t understand why they weren’t in the conversation more um whether or not the selectiv have got some inkling that Loui has to be with clear and if clear is not there it it takes away from what lii can provide for the team which I don’t believe and I think that’ll be proven when he goes to western suburbs next year that he’ll play seven there West Tigers West tigers and he’ll be western suburbs same thing I just when I think western suburbs I think Tommy R that’s all rights whacking slapping BLS they’re part of the club course that’s part of our history I’m an old Westy so I just um I think the western suburbs it’s all the one place isn’t isn’t Burton a prototype 58 for origin strong ball Runner kicking game the thing with Matt Burton was Matt Burton came through as a junior as a 58 he won sgb competition he played New South Wales under 18 New South wals 20 as a 58 but then when he got into first grade he played lot Center because they had their half in 5’8 and he showed his versatility and his ability to handle that position and through his formative years in the NRL played three years as a center or two or three years as a center and didn’t get the repetitions and didn’t get the experience that a normal 58 would have coming in now it’s not just that easy to pick that up again and go again now until he got to the Bulldogs did anyone know he had a kicking game did anyone know he could even kick the ball kick it my God kicks the air out of it no one knew he could kick the ball because he didn’t have to at penth he had people to do that for him he had a goal kicker in clear he had General play kickers in clear and Loui he didn’t have to kick the ball people just thought he was a fast runner he’s come to the Bulldogs and he’s had to relearn the position again in a in a weaken team right in a lower Place team um which has often been a lot of PE he had to play halfback for them you know as well at different times during that period but he keeps improving every week in that role um whether or not the selectors see him as a representative class Center or 58 because he got picked out of the Bulldogs he was playing 58 at the Bulldogs he got picked in origin as a center um a couple of years ago but Burton and L are representative class players there’s no risk about that I just get a feeling that given that the sharks are leading the comp and Nick ohin is the real reason and given that Mitchell Moses has been seen as the replacement for Clear if clear’s not available I just get a feeling and given that we’ve got a new coach and we’ve got a new system of selection and I keep saying to you there’s going to be some shocks all right not that this would be a shock but I just get the feeling my gut tells me if both those blocks are fit I think niik has been named this week and probably will play and Moses will definitely play the following week if he plays the following week and proves his Fitness I’d have no hesitation in picking him for the game now I’m loed to say that because I hate picking the teams before the medical and I don’t want to mock anyone but all being well and I just get a feeling this could be what the new coach is looking for is a new look in the halves and they’ll take them both that’s your prediction of what you think will happen that’s what I think will happen would you as as the boss of the club would you would you endorse the selection of Burton at 58 yeah absolutely I could endorse the selection of L at halfback and Burton at five I know they would do a job right um but there’s two trains of thoughts there they’re totally different players to what niiko hin and Mitchell Moses are niiko hin has got the Premiership leading team at the moment he’s number one they just and they’re beating all before them he’s creating a lot of points his introduction into origin hasn’t been Pleasant because he’s come off the bench and he’s had to play different positions U maybe they think it’s time you he’s W delm well that’s right there seems to be this whole train of thought and you know what not with that evidence that they have not had a great record against leading teams in the comp but they and but if he’s if he’s ever going to get a chance he deserves that’s an evolution mate it’s the evolution of the player yeah it’s EV how old mikin now mid 20s 26 27 all right he’s just come he’s just starting if ever he was deserved the chance it’s now well I think he’ll get his chance personally that’s what I think they’ll do would it be my preference what would be your preference probably probably well yeah I’ve got a loyalty to obviously Lou and Burton and I think they could do the job if I was coaching them that’s who I would go with if you were coaching you’d have Lou at halfback and Burton at 5’8 yeah wouldn’t hesitate wow I love it I wouldn’t hesitate and probably have niik what would make you go that way if you were coach what’s that what would make you lean towards those two trust trust and belief it’s all I need they’ve got the talent love it love you know that the people are different and I’m not saying I’m right that’s what I said that’s how I if I were coaching them in my way and the way I coach and the way I do origin I’d be quite comfortable with that pair quite comfortable with their mindset and their knowledge of the game and their ability to play the game what you pick Sean Timmons at five trust and belief same thing same thing trust he’s a footballer trust and belief did kick the field goal win the game for it too I used call people origin players just something I saw about them something I saw in them yeah you know and it’s that’s a long time ago things are different these days I’m a dinosaur feels like yesterday Gussy I’m like a dinosa it was like yesterday I’ve got no idea has everyone sweet to play camber at 6:00 on Friday but sold out magic rant if you want a ticket you’ll have to go back to the days of scalping out the front of sun Corp Stadium right next to Alfie statue yeah full house would be great all weekend everyone sweet you B knocked around or what’s the story yeah you a tough game against the Panthers last week wasn’t it um she played they played so so well they really played well bit of lot they could to won they’re competing they’re competing and they it’s a massive Improvement on last year and as I said the Journey’s only just beginning we’re still a long way from where we’re going to be um but couldn’t be prouder of the players and the coach and everyone else in the club they’re doing a great job and they got a tough one this weekend to Raiders coming off a win and a buy so they’ll be nice and fresh um be difficult task what’s the next game SE Eagles versus Broncos okay uh no tur obviously so as we’ve already mentioned Cola goes to fullback um Tommy T goes to the centers Raymond Tu Maroa goes onto the wing for just his second NRL game of the Season O KATU returns for suspension that’s timely talking about origin uh and Gordon Chan Tong has been named as the backup hooker despite suffering a head knock late in the game against the Dolphins so they’re starting with Lorton at nine and Gordon on the bench because kroer remains sidelined and Blake mosa gets a run on the bench for the Broncos they get jock miden back yeah Friday Night Football capacity crowd Bronco the home team or not the they’re the away team for this can you believe it so it’s actually Manley’s home game but Bronco are the AA team and they’re playing at Sun Corp stadium in front of a pack house um I will go Queensland there Bronco to beat Manley Bronco to beat Manley okay 3:00 Saturday what about dii he’s running out of players no brimson no forign so the halves are Chris Randall and Sam veral mhm I don’t know what young Tom we’s done wrong and this this shows our game this is where our game is at this is where our game is at depthwise you know you’ve got to play um you know for me in the NFL if they lose a couple of quarterbacks they’ve got six on their roster you know our clubs do not have half a dozen halfback options on their roster every it’s the most important people person on the field some clubs haven’t even got a number one halfback it’s it’s it’s an issue that the guy I wrote this 25 years ago do you reckon Weaver might find his way into the team there he’s in he’s in 18 on the bench they may have to I guess they’ll just sort of out of TR remember they got to do this for Te team this Tuesday they’re still making their minds up who’s going to take the field at the moment you couldn’t go Randall and verel in the halfes could you well what you’re going there for is experience it’s just knowledge and experience football IQ that’s what you’re going for you’re probably not going to play them as a half on 58 but you’re going to play you know a tough brand of football they’ll be boyed by the fact that f is now staying with them um I think Knight’s going a little better um I’m been veryy impressed with the Titans but it’s going to be hard without those players I’ll go night this is a big game this one 5:30 Saturday I’m calling it on the radio up there for the continuous call team can’t wait round um pardon me sharks versus roosters now corala have niiko back in the team so Bradley who was named it half pack last week didn’t play there goes goes back to Hooker McKinnis to lock um now Bron Trin on an extended bench but it would be hard for him to find his way back even Daniel ainson was man of the match roosters Manu out so junior ponga is Into The Centers Brandon Smith’s back after missing with a CFO Watson to the bench so no Manu that’s a big out isn’t it uh that’s got 130 added up last night 136 points in three games roosters yeah um weren’t playing the sharks in those three games no uh this is a this is a tough one this is a tough one um Manu is so influential for mine I’m going to go with shark to keep the roll going go the Shark E up up now we’ve got Saturday night footy this week yep part of magic round and uh the bunnies get a chance there a chance uh Alex Johnson’s back on the wing uh tan M onto the bench uh now Mari Tangi comes back as does Jordan McLean for North queensley fed incam if you’re a North Queensland you must be going what is happening here I’ve never seen a team butcher a game of football like they did last week that was just mindboggling why would you want to be a coach why would you put yourself through it mindboggling is the perfect description for that team yeah well there’s so much talent there and they got so much ability to score points seemingly sometimes it will even against the best I’m in their second half against the panther that night they they come up with three tries um look I think South Sydney get a chance to win this one whether or not I’m game enough to tip them I’m just looking through here they went all right for 60 Minutes against the dragons well they didn’t start good got their way back didn’t finish good yeah nrl’s an 80 minute game that’s why they make it 80 minutes to find the best team uh I’m going to go Cowboy all right Warriors they’ve been battered yes Johnson out two of us check out lassik out Nichol Kar 58 Martin halfback Eagan resigned for a further few seasons with the club comes back to hook Loui halfback Jack Cole 58 for pen Panther Melbourne par Xavier coach back from aamy Jerome Hugh still out now Moses hasn’t been named so Dylan Brown went good last week didn’t he best performance in the seven ran the ball a lot stopped worrying trying to be Mitchell Moses and just got on with being Dylan Brown um uh yeah Blaze was terrific um Dej ass’s come back so the youngster Sanders has been left out of the team yeah I’m I’m going to be proven right here when Mitchell Moses gets back into the eels all’s going to be forgiven you know it’s going to look incredibly different when he gets back in that S I actually see some real good effort areas in their effort the other night and uh BR cart rights in too by the way yep um I’ll go with storm they they got a great record at sunor don’t they I think it’s 14 straight I’ll go with storm more drama at West Tigers uh John baitman and Isaiah Papa are out Stafford to’s out now bitman and Tower I believe are extended injuries no no good um the Hammers back yep for the Dolphins who have been winning without him yep uh dolphin the Old Coach there so let’s go back we’re going to go Bronco to beat eel we’re going to go Knight to beat Titan we’re going to go shark to beat rooster do I really believe that do I believe that do I believe it you got to believe in yourself I believe it shark to beat rester Cowboy to beat rabbit Panther to beat Warrior storm to beat eel dolphin to beat tiger and Magic round 2024 to be a raging success very good thank you you should have an email from my Lego representative s Goodman I’ll send it on to my legal man Jackie Charles outrageous preposterous they can start a show together thanks guys we see you in brzy origin tomorrow night live and free 7:30 Queensland New South Wales suncorp Stadium packed uh here on 9 and N now the home of origin don’t forget the women’s origin Thursday night it’ll be a cracking game what did I not did I not just say that I’m emphasizing the point right I’m emphasizing the point you can’t forget now women’s origin Thursday night women’s origin Thursday night this year NRL on 9 is your One-Stop shop for all footage that’s right Freddy not about the highlights Action 7 days a week billing gust podcast get that on your drive on the way home Immortal Behavior grab a s on the couch for that and of course my favorite Fred in the a the best footy brains the biggest games don’t trust the algorithm subscribe to NRL on9 and get all your entertainment there

Gus believes the Roosters “dodged a bullet”: Six Tackles with Gus - Ep13 | NRL on Nine - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)


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