Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

ccccc Oakland Tribune, Sunday, Aug HJU I 'CAIM TA IIVC AM DCAhV ILtrnUNt-LALL L. BRIDEGROOM WANTS rlOOr 14 Miles Registration Thursday for Two-Weeks of Instruction Jet Pilot Killed Off Point Reyes OCEAN VIEW, Aue. 5. Couple Who Were Wed in 1890 To Celebrate Wedding Date BERKELEY, Aug. 5.

Sixty ness areas in Berkeley and El yean ago in Colusa County Mar- Cerrito. Mrs. Watson, 78, who ha the garet Ford Jones, 16, saw William same natal month as her huabind, Allen Watson, 20, riding on a came to California from he horse. native Missouri when she was twii "There's the young man I have years old. Her husband, a nativa picked out for you to marry." Californian, was the of Mr.

rtivr Rn.F -U A QUIET ANNIVERSARY1 I 1'ULL! i niivwcu MIC battleship Missouri today how to pilot was killed An Air Force early yesterday ST. JOSEPH, Mo, Aug. 5. negotiate the mud of Hampton; when his F-84 Charles E. Donplsnn who Roads.

I jet fighter plane crashed into the Rot bnde out of jangle of Groggy the! ocean off Point Reyes lighthouse telephone calls wants nothing but ghoulishly-clad diver poked his while on a routine training mis- quiet on his first wedding anni- head above the surface on this' 0I1U HUB. iuii, I spoke her father. She did on from Texai in from Hamilton Air Force VT m-xi m.muy. south shore nine and a half hours' It was a year ago that the 22- after he submerged 01d Point sinn Base. August 1890, in San Francisco.

1868, sailing around the horn ti Il. A Can CrinrifM mnA then tAkinff lin i luiiiuiiiiH cjiiliii vv rai a 1 1 i I Si the day the Watsons will attest a lou-acre nomcsieaa in tmun thfe wisdom of a father's selection; County. The Watsons later mada as they celebrate their wedding their home in Berkeley, anniversary at a picnic in Moss- SIX CHILDREN The pilot identic as Sec- want ad in the fT, He ond Lieut. Kenneth B. Haupt.

New, for 1: Stom'SSn hcln of Pawtucket. R. I. He lived with -undPer 21 to get married by world flrH his wife, Mercedes, at Woodacre, urday world record. a Marin County community near More than 300 girls some well Butler walked across the same 4he air base.

outside the age limit, responded- bottom where the U.S. Navy's' The body was recovered several all by telephone. Donelson had produest battleship, the hours after the crash by Henry to convince them it wasn't a gag styed mired for 18 days last; Ross, a Bodega Bay fisherman. and then explain that he had winter after she ran onto mu1" Irr.m (Ka Kne taken thi mpant tn linA a hriHp bank. wood Park, Oakland.

Butler had figured the trip would take 20 hours. A fast-run- SJr rescue unit searched for the because he wanted to have officer in the trash area about 11 double wedding with a friend Out of the list of prospects he nln tlde buffeted him along The romance in two neighboring families in Colusa County culminated in marriage at the home the bride's parent', Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Jones in San Francisco.

Tba 60th anniversary picnic will gather most of the large family. six children, 17 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Children who will join in tha fete are: William C. Watson, Ixidi; D. D.

Watson, Sacramento; Allen El-wood Watson and Reucl A. Wat-sun, El Cerrito; Lauren Lee Watson. Nurthbndge and Mrs. Lowell B. Hoff, also of El Cerrito.

BERKELEY RESIDENTS The happy couple will be surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as fild friends. Luncheon at 1 o'clock will be highlight of the all-day fete. Residents of Berkeley at 1642 Milvia Street since 1919, the Watsons moved here from Colusa County to give up farming for other business activities. Watson, who will be 81 in December, is owner of apartments and has been instrumental in developing West-brae and Stockton Avenue busi- miles offshore. Lieutenant Haupt was assigned tn a fighter squadron at the base.

Cause of the accident was not immediately known. picked "plenty good looking" ahead ot his schedule and almost Miss Irene Krebs, 18. formerly of beat him to death in tne process. Leavenworth, Kan. "I've taken the worst beating They were married before a my 16 years diving experj-crowd of 600 dancers at a ball-nce," said the 38-year-old father' room.

of four. blacked out last night Then there was much publicity when I stepped into the 90-foot Now the Donelson's want none deep ship channel, of it They have pledged rela- "I was out for at least a minute tives to secrecy. and a half. They pulled me up Members of the famify either part way and I came out of it. It say they don't know where they was the first time I've ever are or say: "The young people areblacked out on a dive.

It made me Betting along all right and don't deathly sick want any publicity." What had been Butler's worst It is known they lived in Kan- fear an attack of the "bends" sas City for a time and then didn't materialize. The bends are BERSERK TRUCKER SHOOTS UP TAVERN, KILLS WOUNDS 1 NEW Aug. 5 A 23 year old unemployed truck driver who said he was tired of being taunted, went berserk in a returned here Whether they have when a diver gets bubbles in his IF YOU DON'I WANT OLD PLATES, NEW TO TEMPT DEATH- AUTO, ALERT COP; CHECK YOUR CAR! RESULT: ONE ARREST Drivers who neglect automotive An Oakland policeman, hii defects are gambling with death, suspicions aroused by battered Commissioner Clifford E. Peter- ijcense piates on a brand new son of the California Highway car vesterdav nabbed a visitor Patrol warned vesterdav. wnu admitted he had "outsmarted "You bet your life when you himself" Brooklyn bar today, shootinc one left St.

Joseph again relatives blood from too rapid pressure won say. change hen he emerges. It some-One relative, however, did add times kills them, this piece of information: "They'll be getting some publicity next month, though." It will be in the birth notices, she said. man to death and seriously injuring another. Police said Alfred Gordon told them that he went to a bar with his wife, Leatrice, 21, and his father-in-law, Hyman Menschen.

There, he said, he encountered a group of men who recently had been insulting him whenever thev saw him. Gordon said they began to call him names. Pocahontas Lodge to Sponsor Whist Party take a inarue mi the n.eihanuai 'ked fur inve-tikiation of car I 4 Californians Hurt ALAMEDA, Aug. 6. Members Gordon took his wife and rbeer; In Mexico Air Crash in-law home, stuck a .3 -ca of Blazing Arrow Council No.

178, Degree of Pocahontas, will hold a whist party tomorrow at 6 pin. at the Shrine Club Hall, 1402 Park Street. Laura Lee newly in- Winner In tha award program of the Swim to Live Campaign at Framont Pool hold thalr firat Tribune ribbons following presentation by Vi White (left). Red Cross instructor. The youths include (left to right), David Twigg.

Gloria Williams. lohn Dunn. Nancy Ludwig and Alan Beck. More than 700 took pari In the program. Tribune photo.

MEXICO CITY. Aug. S. (. Fuur Americans from California Kul.uid Kuin.

22, who it cotton stopper f'lin Memphis. Term After he- was attested bv Hex ev Foc told otfucrs l.e lehted the new coupe in hometown, then di iven a.l the a hum the co in lU In Son Hoi d.r.o. he h.td taken ii'f license plates off a 1947 model. It was this diM'ii punry in the appear- tl I thst ca.icl*t the pol.ee sergeant' ev as he trie o.ear M'i-x-iTt- ai4d" ftrefif -Rfids n4 caused him to stop FowVer condition i your car," cautioned. The commissioner cited statistics to show how frequently neglected mec liaim si defec ts lead to tragedy.

"Last year in California theie were 4757 fatal and injury traffic accidents in which some defect was deteiituned bv investigating officers." he said "Defective brakes and lights were found in nearlv tan third---oi 5 8 per cent of this total," the commissioner stated. "Poor accounted forv4 8 per cent'and light deficiencies 19 per cent. Other defects noted were injured todav small private plane dnwtt near here. when their stalled Pocahontas, has announced was furced the following new ojjficers: Faye Tadlock. Ethel Stewart, Russel revolver in his belt and returned to the bar, police said.

As soon as the men saw him, he said, they began their name-calling. Gordon, who is the father of a baby daughter, told police: "I lost my head and let go." He fired six shots as bar patrons dived for Cover. Registration for the second session of the Swim to Live Campaign will be held Thursday beginning at 2 30 p.m. at the Lions Dimond Pool. Wihiam Richard Blaisdell.

39, Bryant. Georgia Wheatfill, Ger-of San Diego, and George Mat- trude Beatrice Dicken-thews. 28 Parker Avenue, sen, Judv Skipworth, Myrtle San Francisco, were in a suhtir- Pica Wilma Cash. Frances Enrollment will be restricted 'Two bullets struck Joseph Att with head Edna Van Loenen. Lillian t.

youths who have not-sarUcl- Young. Bruce Sfallworth. Jimrrv Sumrail and Robert Bowser; first award, girls Gloria Williams and N'anrv I.udwig; second award Odette Mimou, Linda Ba.icv and Carol Koch, third awarcl Joyce- Hr.usoff, Joan' Carmen arso Lois Raker. "The -program' -bv" Da Red Cross direVtor of Safety Sorvii-ps Vi White, Red C'ns instructor, made the presentations. Classes at other pools currently offering instruction in the campaign will end this month.

An award program held Fi iday at Fremont Pool marked the conclusion of its campaign More than 700 bovs and girls were at the pool in the program sponsored by The Ti ibvino, Oxkiand Red Qross and Oakland Recrea-tinrrDepartment. "Rtnrtoris awarded 'to "II "con-' testants were as follows: First award, boys Alan Beck, John Dunn, and David Twigg; second award Jack Hubbard. John Con-rnv, David McDaid, Garv Carlen.1 Charles Storkham and Robert Weyant; third award Virgil injuries. Wolf, Dagmar Marshall, Gene- campaigns at other pools. fthcTt e-2 of San Diego, and William thy Gibson, Dorothy Gugich, 5jon begin Aueust 1 4 Classes ton, 23, Brook him.

in the abdomen. Gordon was charged with 6 per rent; punctures or blowouts. 7 4 Send DtttrOytr de- John Gmgan, 30, of National City. Anita Ross, tranche Geiger ana were sent to the Centra! Groen Jerry Pavese Cross Hospital. Grogan suffered Johanna past great Poca- and miscellaneous 19 2 per rent.

per cent, icienoes, CANBERRA, Aug 8 'if Navy Minister Josiah Frances said today the Australian destroyer War-ramunga will join the United Nations naval forces in Korean aters. will be held from 10 a m. to noon on week davs. Harriman in Tokyo Talk With M'Arthur I TOKYO, Sunday. Aug.

6 ipv-'w. Averel! Harriman, special ad- Record Ohio Flood The highest Ohio River flood on record was in 1937. a broken leg, but Hale was only hnntas and deputy of blaz.mg, scratched and bruised. headed the installation of these The four said they left San Di- officers. ego last Monday, arriving in Mex- ico Citv Wednesdav.

Thev took off for Acapulco todav Hale was bounty TflX piloting the plane. Thev had Rate Set at $2.65 reached 8n altitude of 11.000 feet Drrirwv- when, thev said, the engine began REDDING. Aug a -t of( County Auditor W. F. Weber to- t.

dav unnuunctd a tentative tax ar- vier to President human Tokvo by plane this rived in morning and immediately went into tonfeience at the American Accountant Upheld In License Dispute Superior Judge Theresa Meikle, of San Francisco, has reversed the State Board of Accountancy's order to revoke the license of Lester O. Wisler Sr Oakland public accountant. A court order directs the Board to rescind its order against Wisier or show cause at 10 a August 25 The Board on July 11 had ordered Wisler license revoked, but granted five years probation. A cnndiUon of probation was that rate of $2 65 for Shaata County Embassy with den. Doug.as Mac-wiil be submitted to the County Arthur.

a half mile from the Cuernavaca highway. Board of Supervisors, probably MacArthur and Harriman will i on Monday. discuss the whole rar tart situa- The rale compares with $2 02 tion during a series of talks heie Good Luck Engagement i rrvnQnnnnnn nnnnnnn IBM FORT SUMNER. Aug. 5 per $100 of assessed valuation last A reliable source said MacArthur; The Good Luck engage- fiscal year.

Weber said the in-; will emphasize that the United: ment has been announced at Fort crease would be due almost States must be prepared to meet' Sumner. Betty Jo Good is to whollv to resumption of welfare the communist challenge else-i Luck. administration bv counties. where in Asia, as in Korea. wisier could not perform auditing marry Ben K.

"I JUST SOAK AND RINSE DISHES GLEAM WITHOUT WASHING OR WIPING!" toys Mrs. W. J. Lambtou, Moywod, Illinois services for 'any political unit, subdivision or agrncv of the State, of California," in uhich his firm specializes Wisler' suit eharged the Board i lacked jurisdiction and its action! was unconstitutional Charge against Wisler were, based on audit made for Mari-: posa and Tuolumne Counties in! I'll never do dishes any way but th new Vel way! Why, I just oak dishes a while in Vet aud POLICE MAKE THIS iVjjZ HANDS EVER HAD! I IqJ its so f- i IN PISH WATER, then rinse! Even the greasiest need only a swish of the cloth no wash-ing or wiping is needed! "Those rich Vel suds cut grease faster and my pots and pans soak so shiny clean no hard scouring is needed! So, I can save 90 of my dishwashing work with Vel!" CASE THEIR BUSINESS i SAN PABLO Aug. 5 Stopped by a policeman for firing a re-1 volver out of his car window as he drove through the crowded El Portal Park housing project, a 26-year-old Richmond man told officers "it's none of your business'' Officer Raymond W.

Stevens agree. He took James IiMar Fnnis of 347 South Third Street, Richmond, to the San Pablo JaiL, where he was b-ked for suspicion of drunken driving, carrying con-! reaied weapons, and displaying; a ueapon in a threatening manner. In addition to the revolver, from which Ennia had fired five shots, a 30-30 rifle was found in his car, Stevens reported. Apparently all of the ihoti went wild, the officer said. 2 Conceded Victory In Kentucky Primary LOUISVILLE, Aug 5.

Gov. Earle Clements, Democrat, aod former Federal Judge Charles Dawson, Louisville Republican. Appeared certain tonight to have won nomination to the U.S. ale in today's Kentucky primary elections. Tber will meet in the mmm $-750 4m ml nrnw wm iSK3I 4 I Kff iwii-srei coptioi J) II tia rownm motoi WS na jm ueaatiMTwtcAa UST niMJ 118AI TIAJC-W AU0Wi) 'Mwt If SKI 1 I jf Li Tmri WWt IhM L'fef JFT FREE EMBROIDER -1 I PHONE HI.

4-8662 DEMONSTRATION II Day Tady (Sawdcy) 1 LU eerie 2-0355 JmA a a (( BElCOi 4-9272 oummn. I 1.11 VI. jj NIW 1 miutlT THURS0AT IITI TILL I VI NEW VIL IS MILD enough for your daintiest wtahabVs. And. thanks to an amazing ingredient in mild, new Vel.

your delicate whable clothe itay fresher and brighter much longer! up aw wm aw riaw piSii ri tm. a Bettor Hum ever before November general elction. With a third of the state's pre-' tabulated and much more, than a third of the votes counted. 1 early lead over three opponents grew to heavy proper-! tinns. He was running for nomination to a full Senate term as well at the short term from November to January.

Dawson, rfkewis running for both the ffirt and long terms, forced far1 ahead ot three) opponents. I.

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.